Sponsored by the Bayport-Blue Point Heritage Association
and the Suffolk County Department of Parks
Steve Bellone, County Executive.
Open House on Sat., December 3rd and Sun., December 4th • Noon-4:00pm Admission $5 per person at the John E. Roosevelt & Family Estate: Meadow Croft Located on Middle Road between Bayport & Sayville, Long Island
Victorian/Edwardian Christmas Decorations Raffle for Decorations • Music on the Roosevelt Grand Piano Special Holiday Exhibits • Electric Trains, Dolls, Wood Carvings • Pictures with old St. Nick
Christmas Aglow
Special Preview Night Saturday,
December 3rd from 7:00-9:00pm
A guided tour of the full estate in all it’s Christmas glory.
Refreshments served. Tickets can be purchased on our
website. www.bayportbluepointheritage.org
$25 per person
(Tickets limited to 50 people)