One of the things I love about our community is the small town, everybody knows your name feel! The mailman, pharmacist and others know you and your family and are willing to help in times of need. A few days ago I received a Fedex package from the Fedex driver George. Everyone in town knows George! He shared with me a hidden gem located right here in our little community...Only Medical Products.

What makes this place special is the owner Razi. Razi could easily sell his personal protective equipment for twice the price that he does (like the rest of those currently capitalizing on the demand for masks, gloves and hand sanitizer). Razi chooses to do the right thing and make these necessities affordable to those that need them. He is happy to serve this community with PPE needs and it won't cost you an arm and a leg. Get prepared to reopen...stop in to see Razi at:
Only Medical Products Medical Equipment & Supplies 1-877-520-5502 20 Rajon Road Suite 102 Bayport , NY 11705