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What's Open|Free Business Listing

Gina Geraci

The Suffolk County News, Islip Bulletin, and Long Island Advance allied with other publications throughout the country (in their respective circulation areas) are offering a FREE service to the community and businesses called WHAT’S OPEN to list a businesses’ status... ie. services, open, closed, online, websites, etc. during this ongoing period of isolation and social distancing. We're sending all the Chambers the link for each business to independently fill out a form with their contact info. and status so they can sign up. They don't need to contact us ( unless they have questions or need help filling out the form) Signing up is free and we’re participating as a service to our communities. Thanking you in advance. All the best, Monica Monica Musetti Carlin Suffolk County News, Islip Bulletin, Long Island Advance cell: 631-521-6979 email:

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